Come Fruta / Como Yo

Staple bound zine • Twenty-four, 11 x 8.5in color pages
Edition of 50

You can purchase a copy HERE

Contrubuting Artists (in order of work):

Robert Escalera @roberte64
Cat Celebrezze  @catcelebrezze
Francisco de León @francisco6121ad
Bryan Paul Patterson @lotusapparent
Carl Ferrero @cjferrero
Brandon Dean @hellobrandondean
Alex Nuñez  @shockingly_unambitious
John Hanning  @johnhanning
Matthew LeBaron @matthew_lebaron
Jefferson Healey @jeffersondoris
John-Michael Byrd @therealjmbyrd
Anthony Malone @anthonymaloneisalive
Gerard Calderón @gerardcsa
Joe Ferrari @pixoid
Johann D’Nale @johanncreates
Tyler Hampton @tttyler
Peter McCaffrey @mascot_studio
Chris Moody @horsegurlpress
Karen Klink @karen_klink
Philip Tomorrow @queer.zine
Francisco Javier Ramírez @franciscoismyname
Colin Ginks @colinginks
All work on this site is property of Charlie Welch and can not be used or reproduced without permission ©2024